Editing template for Web-access:
By default the SIPU generates the aastra.cfg file to disable web-access. You can easily download, edit and upload the aastra.cfg file, but on a reboot of the SIPU the aastra.cfg file will be recreated with the template settings. Therefore it is better to edit the template.
FTP to the SIPU, user=master, password=MAC of SIPU (xxxxxx-xxxxxx, alphabetical letters in capitals. Hyphen halfway is important).
Download the "http" folder.
Browse http\xml\tpl\aastra_r18.tpl (or other if using different release)
Edit file to enable Web-access.
Upload "http" folder with updated template.
Restart SIPU and test.
Note: Depending on the release, the tpl file can be downloaded directly. Some releases do not allow browsing of the http folder.
DTMF tones:
This addresses the problem with retransmitting DTMF tones from an Aastra SIP phone (e.g. 6731i) used on a BusinessPhone PABX.
Although you can edit the aastra.cfg file to vary the in-band-tone transmission, this will still create problems with some digits - like calls cutting off with DTMF for 1.
Leaving the aastra.cfg file on its default value, rather instruct the cleint to press the * and then the required DTMF digit. The * tells the system that it is to send DTMF. Therefore, *1 will send DTMF for digit 1
Great, and how can i update the sipu board with a ftp program
Updating the SIPU firmware is done with BMS. Updating a config file is done by entering the above specified info with a program like FileZilla.
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