Wednesday, September 7, 2011

'cat' and the MX-ONE licensing

Using a Linux based IP PBX is fairly common today. Retrieving the current license file and hardware ID is not a simple download when working in the command line. The following will be useful:

user>license_status | cat >> /home/user/license.txt

Mount a USB device and copy across.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

BusinessPhone Date and Time

To program the date and time on the Aastra BusinessPhone via a digital terminal (Dialog 4223, 4224):

  • Enter programming mode
  • Enter password
  • 6101 sets the month
  • 6102 sets the weekday
  • 6103 sets the hour/minute/seconds
  • 6104 allows change between 12/24 hour clock format
Now there is no more need to start up the laptop for a simple time change!