Monday, July 25, 2016

MVO400 LDAP search

To be able to test the MVO400 (A470) LDAP directory from the command line, use the ldapsearch utility.

Basic syntax: ldapsearch host base filter

Example 1 (List all extension numbers where the name starts with "B"):
ldapsearch -xh -b 'dc=pbxnameservice,dc=pbx.local' '(|(sn=B*)(telephonenumber=*))' -LLL

Example 2 (List entire directory - no filter):
ldapsearch -xh -b 'dc=pbxnameservice,dc=pbx.local' -LLL

Therefore, a PHP page or similar method can be used to do a live search of the PBX's directory book. If a user name or password is needed, create a user account with LDAP Authorization profile.