Monday, July 22, 2019

VOIP recording in a mixed environment: VMware and HP switches


VMware virtual appliances:
Mitel MX-ONE Call Server
Mitel MiCCE Server
Datatex Amethyst Voice Recorder (2x NIC)

Physical network equipment:
1x Mitel Media Gateway Classic (MGU/2)
1x Mitel Media Gateway Lite (MGU/2)


Physical network ports on HP Switch
Create a designated mirror port (or two, for VM failover)
mirror 1 port A5

Enable mirroring of each port connected to the physical Media Gateways
interface B2

   monitor all both mirror 1

   monitor all both mirror 2   //if created two above
   name "mguA_mirror"


interface B3

   monitor all both mirror 1
   monitor all both mirror 2  //if created two above
   name "mguB_mirror"


VMware vSwitch
Create a new port group just for Recording
  • Allow promiscuous mode
  • Allow all VLAN [this is NOT the same as 0(None)]
  • Add ESXi host's physical NICs connected to the mirror port(s) [A5 in example above]
  • Edit appliances to use the new port group

  • All virtual appliances (MX-ONE and Amethyst recorder) need to be on same physical host!
  • When spread across two different hosts, many packets were dropped / not present at the voice recorder.
  • Tag the two appliances to cater for instances where they need to fail over to a different host, together.
  • Port group settings: VLAN Set to ALL. Otherwise recordings may have one-way speech since the vSwitch will reject tagged traffic, thus inbound part of the conversation will be dropped if origin sits in a VLAN.
  • Using two mirror destination ports will allow you to remove and test one at a time for troubleshooting


Friday, May 24, 2019

MVO400 scheduled events

Recently I was struggling to have a switched event move successfully back to position 1. Switching to positions 2 and 3 worked fine. In the end, as seen in the attached picture, when switching back to 1, I did not specify the Switch Group. Since then, all switching occurs automatically.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Server 2016 battling to run updates

The solution below works well when the graphical option is failing. In brief:

1. Run CMD as Admin
2. Run command SConfig
3. Choose option 6 [From this point on: read the screen]

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Mitel MVO400 SIP trunk - editing the SIP headers

Need a custom From because you are not registering?
Setup SIP trunk to authenticate "With one account" (yes, even though you won't be authenticating)
At the bottom of the setup: SIP Accounts -> New -> Leave most options blank -> See Presentation -> Custom -> Add string value

SIP headers showing Route options, and this is causing issues?
Remove the tick from "Use as outbound proxy".

PPI header shows IP of Registrar and not local MVO400?
Disable PPI/PAI by PPI/PAI header content = Supressed

No angle brackets (<>) in the To: header?
According to the RFC (, p.2), angle brackets are only needed if comma, semi-colon, etc is part of the URI.
A normal To: sip:12345678@ is acceptable.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

DBC 4422 Headset port activate

Environment: DBC 4422 being used as OMD with NOW2007 and MX-ONE

Challenge: by default, when the NOW Operator answers a call, the telephone device answers on speaker.

To set the default answer mode to Headset: once logged in and operational, press and hold the headset key until a beep is heard.