Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Apache Tomcat blank page served in Windows 7

I came across this problem when installing Aastra's IP phone software server. The service starts but an error 404 is given or a blank page is presented. The reason is that something else uses port 80. No other web server software installed? A lovely suprise from Windows! Go to services, and at the bottom is a Windows IIS service or Windows Web publishing! Disable it and restart your Tomcat service.

All should run fine.

Monday, November 25, 2013

A470 VoIP Encryption error

I got the the above error when changing the "Exchange-to-exchange" settings. However, there is nothing in that section to change with regards to VoIP encryption.

Using AMS:

Config manager -> System config -> IP network -> Voip -> Encryption tab

Mine showed "Yes", so I set it to "No".

(When setting it back to "Yes" just to test it told me I did not have the necessary license. So it seems the default "Yes" is an error that is realised when uploading certain changes)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Retrieving contacts information from Sony Ericsson Yari (U100i) backup

Contacts from a Sony Ericsson Yari can be retrieved from the backup file:

 (.dbk found under My Documents\Sony Ericsson\Sony Ericsson PC Suite\Phone backups)

Using Linux and the KDE suite:

Copy the backup file (just to play safe).
Use Ark to extract the .dbk file to a folder.
When finished, you will note a "contacts.vcf" file
Open the .vcf file with a text editor and cross check that it contains your contacts.
Use KAddressBook to import the .vcf file.
Now you have access to your contacts information!

Thanks to Open Source power!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

BusinessPhone SIP phone update via DHCP

If using a Windows DHCP server, select "Option 66", and enter the string:

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/aastra (where the xxx is the IP of the SIPU).

Then the 67xxi range of SIP phones will download their configuration via TFTP from the SIPU

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Aastra BusinessPhone SIP

Editing template for Web-access:
By default the SIPU generates the aastra.cfg file to disable web-access. You can easily download, edit and upload the aastra.cfg file, but on a reboot of the SIPU the aastra.cfg file will be recreated with the template settings. Therefore it is better to edit  the template.

FTP to the SIPU, user=master, password=MAC of SIPU (xxxxxx-xxxxxx, alphabetical letters in capitals. Hyphen halfway is important).

Download the "http" folder.
Browse http\xml\tpl\aastra_r18.tpl (or other if using different release)
Edit file to enable Web-access.
Upload "http" folder with updated template.
Restart SIPU and test.

Note: Depending on the release, the tpl file can be downloaded directly. Some releases do not allow browsing of the http folder.

DTMF tones:
This addresses the problem with retransmitting DTMF tones from an Aastra SIP phone (e.g. 6731i) used on a BusinessPhone PABX.

Although you can edit the aastra.cfg file to vary the in-band-tone transmission, this will still create problems with some digits - like calls cutting off with DTMF for 1.
Leaving the aastra.cfg file on its default value, rather instruct the cleint to press the * and then the required DTMF digit. The * tells the system that it is to send DTMF. Therefore, *1 will send DTMF for digit 1

Monday, July 1, 2013

Aastra DBC IP phone codes

The following codes may be useful for those working on Aastra (Ericsson) DBC442202/05 phones

Restart: C + Mute + #

Admin mode: C + * + 5

Phone function test: C + * + 4

Factory default: C + * + 9

Friday, June 14, 2013

MX-ONE scripts

Using text files to install an MX-ONE appears to be more complicated than the old MD110 method. However, it can be achieved in the following way. Consider the example below:

license_status -s > /home/user/license.txt

If the above were in a file called lic_export.sh, it could be run sh  lic_export.sh or ./lic_export.sh

That is "linux style" commands, and are thus pretty straightforward. How about MML commands, i.e. commands that require the MDSH (MD Shell)?

Create two files. File1.sh and File2.mx1 (File2 can be .mx1, txt, whatever you want)


mdsh File2.sh


Running the command sh File1.sh or ./File1.sh will actually run both File1.sh and File2.sh, but File2.sh will be run in the MD shell!

Since you don't want a large file to run out of control, the following can be added to provide some control:

read -n1 -p "Press Enter to continue."

At this point you either press Enter or Ctrl-C if things seem wrong.

Normal bash scripts can be used to provide if statements and while loops so that an entire menu can be presented with choices and exit options.

Monday, May 6, 2013

NEC IP4WW Programming mode

To enter programming mode of the NEC IP telephone:

Hold > Transfer > * > #



Friday, March 22, 2013

Broadcom wireless drivers for openSUSE 12.2

First off, this link was very helpful:


Not initially, that is. I have a Travelmate 7750G laptop with Broadcom 43227 (BCM 43227, PCI ID 0x4358) wireless adaptor. I tried many things and I think that this is finally the setup that worked.

What doesn't work:

#hwinfo --wlan --short (shows nothing until driver is working)

In a terminal, and as root user, do the following (you need to be connected to the internet):


This will install b43 and b43l3gacy drivers.

Reboot the machine.

Go to the following link:

Open with YaST installer and it will automatically retrieve dependencies.

After installing run the command in terminal and as root:

#/usr/sbin/rfkill list

Bluetooth will probably show blocked. So,...

#/usr/sbin/rfkill unblock 1

Restart your machine and hopefully it will work as mine did. If you do have success please leave a comment so I know I got all the steps. If it did not help, let me know and I will try to see what I missed.

Other helpful commands:

#/sbin/lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net
#uname -a 
#hwinfo --netcard

Once you have the above working with the standard kernel, install for the XEN kernel as well:
Note that you can install it whilst in normal/default kernel. Reboot and test with the XEN kernel running.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

BusinessPhone 250 and Asterisk H.323 link

According to Aastra, the reason why calls may cut off during speech may be because it uses the "status-inquiry check" to ensure the conversation is ongoing. This inquiry must be replied to with a "status" message or else the BusinessPhone will drop the call. Some systems use an inferioir "ping", but since it only tests Layer 3 and not the application layer, the BusinessPhone requires an H.223 RAS Status Inquiry.

Note a similar issue between an Asterisk and an MD110:

The BusinessPhone uses H.323 v4 and supports H.245 tunneling (Annex M.1).