Monday, May 6, 2013

NEC IP4WW Programming mode

To enter programming mode of the NEC IP telephone:

Hold > Transfer > * > #




Unknown said...

Do I do this while I have a line open? I can't seem to get this to work.

Brian said...

Do it with the phone on-hook. It could also be that the password on your NEC is changed from the default value.

Unknown said...

So where i can apply this code and is this working on NEC phone coding. Please suggest me some more codes.

NEC phone Programming

Brian said...

This is to be used on NEC IP phones only. Since this provides access to a menu, I haven't found it necessary to use other codes.

Unknown said...

Hi Brian , what the telephone no we can program from it ?

Brian said...

The question is not quite clear. The code is used on the NEC IP phone, model IP4WW. It does not need an extension number assigned to it in order to use this code.