Friday, December 17, 2010

Fritz WLAN Fon 7270 Reset

I experienced a real sticky situation recently when configuring the Fritz 7270 router. I was battling to get the router to act as a wireless unit only - a link up onto the existing network. In the process I inserted an incorrect IP Route which locked me out of the box. The unit has no reset switch to default the unit.

To default the unit, I had to use the analog phone port and dial the following:


 In the end, the following configuration worked:

1. Under Network -> IP Settings -> IP Addresses leave WLAn and Network to be on the same network. (A tick enable/disable option).
2. Ensure the DHCP settings do not clash with your network. For Wireless to work best you need some DHCP addresses to be enabled.
3. Under the Internet access settings, tell the router to use an existing LAN connection with no authorisation. It will tell you to connect the LAN cable from LAN0 on the router to the network switch.
4. Now it should work.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Aastra and Nortel NPI-TON Terms

When doing H.323 linking between an Aastra (BusinessPhone) and Nortel (BCM50), both PABX's need to be setup for the same kind of Network Numbering Plan. The Nortel refers to the NPI/TON plans as the Alias. In the Aastra, it is setup on the Trunk Gateway as it's NPI Alias. Below is the corresponding table, Aastra in black and Nortel in blue:

Unknown/Unknown TEL
Public/Unknown PUB
Private/Unknown PRI
Private/Regional Level 1 UDP
Private/Regional Level 0 (local) CDP

Thursday, September 30, 2010

BRA Cell Routers and TEI values

TEI values are used to identify terminating equipment, mostly in a point-to-multipoint setup, since they "bus" may extend to a number of devices. However, in a point-to-point setup, the TEI value is statically set, often to "0".

Recently when testing a BRA cell router we spent ages in trying to get outgoing calls working. Most cell routers are point-to-point, and thus the TEI value for each link is "0". This cell router, though, has a point-to-multipoint architecture. As a result, we had to remove the static TEI value from the link's properties. Immediately the link was assigned a TEI value dynamically by the router (as seen under the Link Supervisor) and calls worked.

So if the protocol is correct (ETSI, etc) and the correct termination is setup (Q,S or T), then any link problems could be TEI value related.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Aastra Fax

And back again with the fax component of Aastra's Unified Messaging. The client has a fully functioning UM setup and the fax plugin works on all computers...except one! After numerous formats, repeated Windows updates and following the troubleshooting error I had previously posted, I have found out the following:

1. Windows fax is the basis for Aastra fax.
2. If Aastra fax installs and communicates with the server, and DotNET is installed, and still NO faxes are sent, the underlying Windows fax server is faulty.
3. Uninstall the Aastra fax plugin and delete Aastra fax from "Printers and Faxes".
4. Install a Windows fax console (make sure a modem is present) and test it.
5. When Windows fax is working, install Aastra again and it should work fine.

Monday, June 21, 2010

New followers

I am pleasantly surprised at the growing number of followers for this blogspot. However, since most are strangers I would like to know why you find this blog interesting. And if you don't mind letting the others know what line of occupation you are in, that too would be informative. In the meantime, WELCOME!

Please note that this while this remains the main site for technical updates, my official site is And should you wish, also provides contact information.

Do you have any queries? Please include it as a comment to this or any newer post.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Linux Mint 8 GRUB

Yes, I have been playing with Linux again. The unfortunate receiver of my intentions was my mothers laptop. It has become so bloated and slow from Windows and anti-virus, that I have decided on a last ditch effort - LINUX!

I installed a dual boot with Windows XP and Linux Mint 8. All went smoothly at first. Since I am a habitual Linux user, I did not at first notice that Linux was loaded by default. My folks would not be impressed. Here is how to rectify the problem:

1. Open a terminal and become root.
2. Run "update-grub"
3. Count the position where Windows is listed (with the first listed = 0)
4. Edit /boot/grub.conf
5. Change default from "0" to appropriate choice.
6. Save
7. Run "update-grub" - nothing will appear different.
8. Restart the computer, and the default boot should have changed.

If it has changed, but not to the correct option, your default choice is likely out by 1 digit (where default=x).

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


That is quite a mouthful - yet also appropriate for this fault. The new BMS ships with EXPRESS 2005 as a database installer. However, on a recent install I found that the software could not read from the database - no systems could be created or stored. And it was rather slow.

The resultant problem is that SQL did not have a default TCP port to connect to:

*SQL Server Configuration Manager
*Native Data Configuration -> Client protocols
*TCP/IP -> Enabled and a default port = 1433

*Server 2005 Network Configuration
*Protocols for EXPRESS2005 -> TCP/IP -> IP Adresses
*IP1 and IP All -> TCP port = 1433

If this doesn't solve the problem, are you sure SQL is running?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Asterisk and Ericsson BP250 integration

I was recently involved with a setup that integrated an Ericsson BP250 PABX with an Asterisk installation by means of ISDN PRA (Primary Access). The purpose was to use the IP capabilities of the Asterisk PABX while continuing to use the current telephony interface and telco access present on the Ericsson PABX. Thus the telecoms provider continues to be terminated on the Ericsson PABX. Also, current users are not all migrated to the Asterisk. Then a QSIG link is established between the Ericsson and Asterisk PABX's, allowing the two PABX's to integrate transparently. Setting up PNR's worked effectively, with the entire destination number as the directory number, and no predigits added or removed.

For a stable link, please note the following:

Place the network card in the first cabinet for improved timing.
ISDN PRA link = Q I/F
Protocol = ETSI
Termination = Master (layer 1 master) - note, no modem exists between the two PABX's.
CRC = CRC permanently disabled.

The rest is on default.

Protocol = EuroISDN
Signalling = PRI CPE (Internal)

Friday, March 26, 2010

CCA Security Violation

Should this error appear - "Security Violation" - two things are indicated:

1. There is communication to the CCA Server. No comm's with the CCA Server will be indicated by the error "CCA Server not found".

2. A security violation with Ericsson/Aastra is synonomous with licensing. Since the license for CCA agents is part of the soft key license, this means [A] an error has occurred while the CCA Server has accessed the licensing information from the PABX via BusinessLink, or [B] the agents are logging in multiple times, thereby resulting in multiple "seats" being used but none being freed up, or available for other agents.

[A] BusinessLink <-> PABX error

1. Ensure BusinessLink is fully operational by running the Trace utility on the BL Server. Make sure that correct data is printed to screen.
2. Ensure that the CCA Server machine has the BL Client installed and that no ports are blocked. (Install the Trace utility on the CCA Server and when running it, put in the connection parameters of the BL Server. Data should be printed to the screen).
3. Any errors on the IPU and CPU should be noted and rectified. Often a simple restart is only needed.

[B] Available seats

To determine from the PABX, how many "seats" it sees as being available and in use, use the TSAPI tool to view the Applications Licensing information (CCA ID = 10). This will indicate how many CCA licenses are (1) AVAILABLE, (2) IN USE and (3) FREE. Compare the displayed info with the current call centre state.

In conclusion, it is preferable to troubleshoot CCA Server, rather than reinstall.

CCS HASP Licensing

When installing the HASP drivers provided on the Ericsson/Aastra installation disk, the device is not properly initiated. The best is to first install the drivers provided on the website as "Windows SRM runtime drivers". Run the setup wizard and the HASP device will be successfully installed. This has now installed the correct drivers and the HASP device is seen properly.

Then run the CCS install, including the prompt to install the HASP drivers. Do not cancel this install! It would appear that the driver provided is a blank and takes over the properties of the actual driver installed earlier.

A successful installation is indicated by the fact that CCS will no longer show "60 Day Trial license".

Update: CCS v4.1 will not license successfully in Windows 7 64-bit. Downgrade to a 32-bit OS!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Conference unit on PABX S-Bus

A real humdinger! Pretty simply, the conference unit had S-Bus ISDN lines from the PABX to the conference unit. The incoming PSTN line is a E1 (2Mb) line. The unit could establish outgoing calls to other units, but could not receive.

On testing the S-Bus lines and instigating a "loop" call on the port, the ISDN tester would have the call immediately released, "CAUSE 16". On replacing the BRI board and testing on another system, it beame clear that the fault was programming specific on the clients PABX, as the problem did not occur on other PABX's.

The resultant problem was that the S-Bus trunks belonged to the same Public Directory number group. Hence, any call sent to/from the port was prefixed with the client predigits. Placing all the S-Bus trunks in an unmodified - default - table, solved the problem.

See commands: [1030] per trunk, and [2220] on the BusinessPhone 250.