Friday, June 19, 2009

Exchange via Evolution on Lenny!!!

Good news at last! I managed to get my Exchange account to work on Evolution with my Debian Lenny OS. The following is what worked in my situation:

1. The exchange server has OWA (Online Web Access) enabled for my account.
2. I entered the proxy address for internet access because Evolution is going to go via the internet to retrieve mail.
3. My exchange server setup was, my user name being my standard Windows logon name. Pressing authenticate, entering the mail password and then the proxy password and your mailbox name will be displayed (usually the same as your logon name).
4. Password is set to secure password.
5. I also setup the receiving options to poll for new messages every 2 minutes.

The only problem I have experienced is that my alternate folders are not updated, but the main Inbox works, so no major grief!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

CCS Call Processor

Once again another run-in with Call Centre Supervisor. Upon uninstalling CCS and deleting the directory and doing a brand new install of CCS, when starting CCS manually the Call Processor application opens momentarily before closing again. Bear in mind that the Aladdin driver provided does not work for the HASP. So I loaded the correct driver and canncelled the setup of the CCS initiated install. Apparently this was the fault. When (re)installing CCS, the following worked for me:

1. Uninstall CCS via the Control Panel -> Add remove Programs.
2. Delete the CCS directory in Program Files\Ericsson.
3. Install the HASP GUI Runtime driver (downloaded from their site).
4. Run the CCS install, including the Aladdin driver install.
5. Restart computer.

All should start up fine.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

MD110 - New NIU

Not a run-of-the-mill fault, but problems were being experienced with an NIU writing to the CF disk. The NIU was replaced, but provided a different problem: The license server was always "busy". The reason is that on the NIU the EIC code is programmed, and this serial number must correspond with the EIC found in the license file. Having failed to assign the EIC to the new NIU, no verification was possible. This is the solution:

niux> readeic {This will show you what is written to the NIU. If not assigned, ffff and ff will be displayed}

niux> writeeic 9034 21 {Note how the IPA is written before the AS}

niux> readeic {should display the correct EIC}