Thursday, December 1, 2016

Extracting 7zip files in Linux

Format is: 

7z x

Friday, October 21, 2016

WinFiol History

Create the following directories:
C:\Program Files\Ericsson\Service Assistant Manager\Winfiol\CmdFiles
C:\Program Files\Ericsson\Service Assistant Manager\Winfiol\MacFiles
C:\Program Files\Ericsson\Service Assistant Manager\Winfiol\MsgFiles
C:\Program Files\Ericsson\Service Assistant Manager\Winfiol\ScdFiles

Activating history in WinFiol:
Options -> Preferences -> Miscellaneous -> Input Window: Chronological List = Ticked
Click OK.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Mitel MX-ONE VAD/CNG/Silence Suppression

To determine if "Silence Suppression" is activated:

~>sip_route -print -profile Default | grep MediaSendCN
MediaSendCN: yes

Surprised to see it is set to yes? So was I. Documentation regarding the MGU pointedly states that VAD/CNG (Voice Activity Detection / Comfort Noise Generation) negatively impacts voice quality, but does improve DSP resource usage.

To fix:
1. Edit the appropriate profile to "no"
2. Restart SIPLP
3. sip_route -print -profile Default | grep MediaSendCN

An alternative is to edit VARC parameter D7, but the recommendation is editing the sip trunk profile.

Monday, July 25, 2016

MVO400 LDAP search

To be able to test the MVO400 (A470) LDAP directory from the command line, use the ldapsearch utility.

Basic syntax: ldapsearch host base filter

Example 1 (List all extension numbers where the name starts with "B"):
ldapsearch -xh -b 'dc=pbxnameservice,dc=pbx.local' '(|(sn=B*)(telephonenumber=*))' -LLL

Example 2 (List entire directory - no filter):
ldapsearch -xh -b 'dc=pbxnameservice,dc=pbx.local' -LLL

Therefore, a PHP page or similar method can be used to do a live search of the PBX's directory book. If a user name or password is needed, create a user account with LDAP Authorization profile.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

DBC425 and MNS and MX-ONE

Programming of the DBC425 (and I suspect the 422) IP phones' function keys can only be done if the phone is in H.323 mode. While the phone functions well in SIP mode, and TNS keys can be programmed via the Web-interface of the phone, no other functions like MNS or PEN can be enacted.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Aastra BusinessPhone Management Suite (BMS) on Internet Explorer 11

One cannot go back to Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8.1. Internet Explorer 11 is the default web browser for Windows 8.1. However, it is possible to use Internet Explorer developer tool and use Internet Explorer 10 on Internet Explorer 11 by following these steps:

1.       Open Internet Explorer 11
2.       Press F12 on the keyboard
3.       Click Emulation button or press Ctrl + 8.
4.       Under Mode change “User agent string” to Internet Explorer 10.
5.       You can use IE11 as IE10.

BMS will still give runtime issues so just add the site to the compatibility list:

Contributed by Burkhard Conrad

Setting compatibility:
Whilst still in emulation menu, enable top left icon "persist emulation settings".
IE settings -> Compatibilty -> Add 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Polycom SoundStation IP 5000 on Mitel MX-ONE 6.1

On Polycom:
To ensure there is no conflicting existing config:
Menu -> Settings -> (Password = 456) -> Admin Settings -> Reset to Defaults -> Reset Local Configuration
Menu -> Settings -> (Password = 456) -> Admin Settings -> Reset to Defaults -> Reset Device Settings

Whilst booting, select "Setup" key:
Password = 456
DHCP Menu -> Boot Server = Static
DHCP Menu -> Boot Server = FTP
DHCP Menu -> Server Address =
Save and reboot 

On Polycom:
Menu -> Settings -> (Password = 456) -> Admin Settings :-

Server 1:
  • Address = MX-ONE Server IP addres
  • Port = 5060 (or SIP signalling port)
  • Register = Yes

Server 2: Unchanged

Outbound Proxy:
  • Address = MX-ONE Server IP addres
  • Port = 5060 (or SIP signalling port)

Save changes

  • Display Name = Boardroom (or any other preferred arbitrary string)
  • Address = 4583 [Auth user name (usually extension number)]
  • Label = 4583 [Extension number]
  • Line Type = Private
  • Third Party Name =  4583 [Auth user name (usually extension number)]
  • Line keys = unchanged
  • Server1 = unchanged
  • Server2 = unchanged
  • Authorization:
    • UserID =>  4583 [Auth user name (usually extension number)]
    • Password = blank (unless set)
Save changes

Mitel MiVoice MX-ONE Programming:
extension -c -d 4583 --third-party-sip-client yes

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

IPLU telnet

As found at

root / root123

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Exit remote desktop (RDP) without leaving local PC locked

From command prompt:
query session
Exit command prompt

Use the Session ID (in the example below, ID = 2), and in Windows Run:
tscon.exe 2 /dest:console

!Update: A neat script to automate this is found at

Thursday, February 11, 2016

MX-ONE "Weak Diffie-Hellman key"

This occurs with the self-generated SSL certificate on the Mitel MX-ONE v5.0. To access with Firefox:

Workaround for Firefox 39 and above:
1) In FireFox, enter "about:config" in the URL field and press enter.
2) Accept the "This might void your warranty!" warning :)
3) In the search field at the top, enter "security.ssl3.dhe_rsa_aes"
4) Double click each result (128 and 256) to toggle the Value to "false"

Now retry your site - it should work now. Remember to change these settings back when you're done.

Re-blogged from

Thursday, January 28, 2016

MX-ONE and DBC 4224 not coming out of Night Mode

Had a recent problem with an MX-ONE using a DBC 4224 as an operator (a dated method, but the client's choice). The system was equipped with ELU33 and MGU2. Once programmed, the phone started fine and showed "Night Service".

Pressing on/off did not change the status though! Problem?

TMU resources on the MGU are not sufficient. A TMU card (e.g. TMU/2) is needed for a DBC4224 to work on an MX-ONE.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Teamviewer via 3G and LAN access

Normally, when a Teamviewer connection is established via 3G (or similar), it uses that as the default network route. So reaching anything via the LAN port seems impossible.

However, all that needs to be added is a default route for that specific destination.

Example: Wanting to reach host

Run ipconfig in command prompt. Find your "Local Area Connection" default gateway (e.g.

 route add mask