Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Teamviewer 11 and openSUSE 42.1 (LEAP)

Reference URL: http://www.2daygeek.com/install-teamviewer-in-linux/#

Only step missing was adding the key. Therefore:

1. wget http://download.teamviewer.com/download/teamviewer.i686.rpm
2. Download the public key: http://www.teamviewer.com/link/?url=354858
3. rpm --import TeamViewer_Linux_PubKey.asc
4. zypper install teamviewer.i686.rpm

Note: My system already runs Wine. It too may be needed, but zypper should add it and other dependencies automatically.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Polycom IP 7000 on Mitel 470 (A470)

First off, default password is "456" for Admin.

Note that you should configure either via Web or via Local Menu. To ensure no clashing config exists:

Menu button -> Settings -> Advanced -> Admin settings -> (5) Reset to default:
Choose (1) Local config and (2) Device setting.

After reboot:

Menu button -> Advanced -> Admin settings -> (2) SIP Config:

(This could be "(2) Line Configuration" on some software versions)
Address = PBX IP
Port = 5060
Transport = TCP Preferred
Register = Yes

Outbound Proxy:
Address = PBX IP
Port = 5060
Transport = TCP Preferred

(This could be "(3) SIP Server Configuration" on some software versions)
Display name = Boardroom (your choice)
Address = SIP Auth name
Label = Extension number
Type = Private
Third party name = SIP Auth name
Auth user ID = SIP Auth name
Auth password = 1234 (password for that SIP user on the PBX)

(!For simplicity, I changed the SIP Auth name to equal the extension number. And simplified the password)

After reboot, the top left "Polycom star" will be solid if registered and outlined if not registered.