Wednesday, May 7, 2014

openSUSE 13.1 Apache server error

I use Apache merely as an easy method to share files across the network - no security, etc, necessary.

When upgrading to openSUSE 13.1, Apache gave me the error that "socache_shcmb" error. All the blogs gave different ways to solve it. But since I don't use SSL:

edit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf:

Hash out "Include /etc/apache2/ssl-global.conf"
#Include /etc/apache2/ssl-global.conf

Restart apache2
 systemctl restart apache2

Friday, May 2, 2014

OpenSUSE 13.1 Broadcom wireless (BCM432227)

So I have upgraded to the latest OpenSUSE. And again the usual problem with wireless drivers on my Acer laptop. However, the fix was easy enough:

1. Check the kernel you are using
uname -a

2. Add Packman repository
YaST -> Software Repositories -> Add... -> Community Repositories -> Packman Repository

3. Refresh all repositories.

4. Go to software management and search "broadcom"

5. Add the following:
-broadcom-wl-kmp-"your kernel" (e.g. default OR desktop OR XEN, according to uname -a)

6. Confirm and install.

A restart may be needed. Run ip addr (replacement for ifconfig) and all devices will be present.

See also