I have been rather quiet on the blogging front - an indicator that the PABX front has seen an unprecedented increase of activity for the last lifetime (feels like that anyway!). However, in the process I have discovered a couple of pointers I would like to share with you:
BusinessPhone and DECT
When installing an ICCU2 in the third cabinet of a Aastra/Ericsson BP250, use CSM to initialise the system (CSM is truly a lifesaver for cordless setup). However, even though the PABX is known to be limited to 3 cabinets, you must specify the system as having 4. Therefore, in CSM, set System = 4 for a successful installation.
MX-ONE Free on Second Access
This one kept me busy, as I am used to the BP as opposed to the MX-ONE architecture. If you would like an extension to be able to receive calls even when busy on the first line, program an available DSS/BLI button for ODN2. This allows the user to select whether he wants to be activate incoming calls on his second line or not. Hence, press the programmed button (the ODN2 button) - when the light is burning the feature has been activated and the user will receive calls even when busy on the first line. Press the same button again and the light will be extinguished - the feature has been disabled and the second incoming caller will get busy tone or be diverted on busy (depending on the extensions setup).
Hope these pointers help!